Welcome to my blog
My friends Elia and Stacey have been bugging me to start one of these things, so here I am. Notice all the pink on my page? That's especially for my best friend Elia :) There's not much to share about myself. My life is pretty boring, actually. Whoever said that working in news was a glamorous job obviously never held the title of Producer, Director, Production Assistant, or Assignment Editor, right guys? We are the little people behind the scenes who do a lot of the work, but don't get enough of the credit. Anyway, I hope all of you guys come and post here often and read all of my updates, so that you know what is going on with me.
At 8:33 AM,
bert_magana said…
The Larry has a pink blog? Color me not suprised. Thats cool and you should check my blog for all my drunken highlights.
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