A Day in the Life

Monday, August 22, 2005

Phoenix is SO hot!!

People find it funny that I say I could never live in Phoenix because it is too hot, yet I lived in Yuma for a year. But I guess I lived in Yuma during a "mild" summer because it never got above 113. I spent the weekend in Phoenix and it felt like 130, believe me.

But other than the heat, I had a really good time. Raquel and I have decided that since we live so close now, we will visit each other at least once every few months, thus my visit to Phoenix. My sister and I got to Phoenix Saturday afternoon and hung out at Raquel's house for a while, before going to a minor league baseball game. Raquel has a friend that plays, so she is trying to learn about baseball, that's why she came to me, the expert :) So my sister and I spent the first part of the game explaining what was going on, then we all got bored and just sat there and talked. It's harder to watch a game when you don't know anyone who plays, so yes, even I got bored after a while. Later that night, we went out to a club in Scottsdale. I was kind of aprehensive at first because I pictured a bunch of rich people sitting around listening to music and drinking martinis, but it was actually really fun. Raquel, her cousin, and I all got really faded, so my sister had to drive our drunk butts around. As Bert would say, "Good times". On Sunday, Raquel's mom took us to the Olive Garden, then we went to watch "Red Eye". It was really good. It's not scary at all, it's suspenseful if anything. At the end of the movie, everyone in the theater stood up and cheered, so I guess they all thought it was pretty good. Then we went to another baseball game that night, but my sister and I only stayed for a few innings because we had to drive back to Tucson. So in keeping with our plan to hang out every few months, Raquel is going to Douglas with me at the end of September. Not like it's anything great or anything, because it is Douglas, but she wants to go visit my mom and my nana and tata.

As far as how things are going here in Tucson, they're going really good. I really like my job...eight to five, weekends and holidays off, no breaking news, waaaaay less stress. I can't see myself going back to news anytime soon, although my sister refuses to watch the news with me because I critique every newscast. I talk to Elia just about every other day, I talked to Vicki a few weeks ago and Javi called me for my birthday and sang to me (Aw, thanks Javi!). As for the rest of you...yay Manny! I'm so glad you finally posted. I miss you (Yeah Vicki, I said it, so there), Bert let us all know what you are up to more often, since you are the farthest away, and Stacey, congrats on the TD thing! You always call Elia but you never call me. Call me! That's all for now, talk to you all soon!

Friday, August 05, 2005

My Recap of the Vacation

So I know Elia already wrote a long summary of our vacation, so I will just touch on a few things and give you guys my point of view.

Raquel got to my apartment on Thursday night and we were going to leave for San Diego the next morning. We sat and caught up a little bit while we ate chips and drank Boone's Farm (HAHA, I felt like I was in high school). The next morning, we left for San Diego around 8. We called Elia from Yuma and I told her that we had gotten so drunk the night before that we were bearly leaving Tucson and she started freaking out in typical Elia fashion before I told her we were just joking :) So Raquel and I stopped at Penny's Diner and ate giant cheeseburgers and drank milkshakes. Aw, do you guys remember going to dinner at Penny's? I started to get all nostalgic and started missing Yuma while we were there, so Raquel said we needed to leave.

So when we got to San Diego, yes, we did call Elia a skinny bitch but I do not feel bad about it because she is. So there. She got all health concious all of a sudden, so me and Raquel had to rag on her about it all weekend. So we went to the mall that afternoon to buy shoes before coming back home to change and go to Applebee's. Yes, Raquel and I were upset because we were surrounded by blonde guys in preppy sweaters and we felt that we should not have wasted our time getting ready. LOL. So we went back to Elia's and after her crack whore neighbor kicked us out of the pool, Raquel and I decided to try to get drunk and took all kinds of shots of tequila. It didn't work. Disappointment number 2 of the evening.

The beach on Saturday was fun. Elia actually managed to get red. Not tanned, but it was an improvement from deathly pale white. She got mad when Raquel and I were calling her powder and saying that she was the color of crack. HAHA. You know I love you, girl! I, on the other hand, threw a towel over myself because I try to avoid the sun at all costs because my friends used to call me Pocahontas in high school and I don't like to get dark. Not that I have anything against indians, Bert :) Saturday night was interesting, though. First of all, trying to get a cab from Old Town is difficult when no one knows where they want to go. Elia got mad at me and Raquel because we told her to go catch us a cab. But as we explained to her, it's her city, so she has to make all the arrangements. So the bar downtown did kind of suck because first of all, it was humid as all hell in San Diego and our hair was all frizzy and we were sticky and gross by the time we got there and once again the bar was full of blondes in preppy sweaters. I wish Yolanda and Chris would have stopped and talked to us, though. Maybe they knew a good place to go hang out.

Sea World on Sunday rocked. I am such a big kid when it comes to amusement parks, so I had a blast. Raquel and I rode Journey to Atlantis twice but Elia decided to wait for us the second time because she is a big chicken and only would ride it once. You guys have to see the picture, though. Elia looks like she's about to give birth. LOL. Before we left, as Elia has already said, she bought a stuffed dolphin named Diego. We were watching a movie when we got back and I was petting the dolphin's fin when Elia accused me of trying to molest him. So she pissed me off and I flung her dolphin across the room, where it landed in a bowl of popcorn that Raquel was eating. Raquel and I, of course, thought this was the most hilarious thing in the entire world so we laughed for an hour. Elia, on the other hand, was not as amused. LOL.

So the next day we went out to have lunch, then Raquel and I left. So that's pretty much it. We had the best time in San Diego, but it would have been so much more fun if all of you guys had been there too. I miss you guys!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Finally...Some Good News!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I just accepted an offer for a permanent job here at the credit union. Starting tomorrow, I will be a loan clerk. Not as glamorous as working in TV, I know, but at least it's a steady job with normal hours, and weekends and holidays off. AND, I won't have to work with anchors or reporters! Plus, it will be easier for me to take ACTUAL vacations and not have to worry about sweeps. Just wanted to let you know!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Should I be scared?

Ok, so I'm applying for this permanent job at the credit union where I am working and they just told me that they are going to do a reference check with my last 2 bosses. Believe it or not, my old News Director in El Paso actually liked me, and offered to give me a reference, so I'm not worried about him. But Jim was my boss in Yuma, and since Jim is not there, I guess they will have to check with Luis. And we all know how much Luis loved me. After all, he gave me a cake and all that crap when I left. Yeah, right. So am I right to be afraid that Luis can still hold power over me after I've already left his evil clutches? Or maybe I should tell them to call Paul. He probably won't remember me, so it's worth a shot. Damn them!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Waiting for the Weekend

Only half an hour more and it will officially be the weekend! Yay! Although I don't know what I'm complaining about, there is never any work for me to do on Friday, so I'm on the General Hospital message boards all day. Yeah, I know I am a dork, but watching soaps gets me out of my boring life for at least an hour. Besides, I have a huge crush on Nikolas Cassadine. So there's nothing new to report with me. I have to go to Douglas this weekend again to get the air conditioner in my car fixed because it's like 130 degrees in Tucson and I will die with no a/c. I swear, it seems hotter in Tucson than it was the whole summer I spent in Yuma. I miss the good old days! I was talking to my sister this morning about the time that Chris tried to poison Javi. We can laugh about it now, but Chris almost cried when he thought Javi was dying in the hospital. Aw! Memories! So when are we all going to get together? I miss you guys!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Since I Have Time

So I know I NEVER post here anymore, but I finally got a user id for the computer at my temporary job, and thought I would catch you all up. So first of all, the post office sucked really hard and I left that job as soon as I got it. After being unemployed for almost a month, I registered with an employment agency who got me a job as a receptionist at a credit union. I've been doing that for about six weeks now, so my time here is almost up. But the good news is that the people here really like me, so they are trying to keep me on as long as possible, filing and helping with day to day stuff, until a full time position opens up. I also got a call from the Sales Manager at the Tucson newspaper, so I have to call him for an interview next week. I figure maybe if I start out as a sales assistant, I can eventually move to news if anything opens up there, that is, if I decide to go that route again. I'm still not sure. Personally though, things are not going quite as well. It seems I have to go to Douglas every weekend because my dad and his girlfriend continue to harrass my mom and my brothers. Monday I had to miss work because I had to go to court in Douglas because my dad's girlfriend decided that me, my brothers, and my sister were harrassing her and wanted a restraining order. Apparently her big beef with me was that I flipped her off sometime in November of last year. She's a crazy whore. So I've decided that I need a vacation. Raquel and I are planning to go see Elia in San Diego sometime this month so we can all get drunk and do something stupid. I'll let you guys know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Going Postal

Ok, now I can truly understand the meaning of that phrase. I have only been working at the Post Office for a little over three weeks now and it really sucks. The lady who told me about the job is a freaking liar. She told me I would work downstairs and all I would have to do was sit at a typewriter all day and forward people's mail. That's only part of it. We have to carry these big heavy carts full of mail and sort everyone's mail in all of Southern Arizona. The application did ask if you can carry more than 50 pounds, but I thought that was for other jobs, not mine. Now you all know me, I am not cut out for hard labor, and even though Elia will say that it is not even hard labor, still, I am a big wimp and I cannot handle it. So it's bad enough that the job is dirty, I have to carry big carts of mail, and have to work weekends, but to top it all off, a crazy lady is stalking me. I'm serious. There is this lady who I met in orientation so she thinks that she's my best friend. At first, I thought I was being mean because the poor lady was just trying to be friendly, but now she has gotten on my last nerve. She's like 30 something and has a crap load of kids, so we have nothing in common besides work, so on our breaks, all she does is talk about work and how much she loves the Postal Service. So one day I told her that I wasn't planning on staying at the Post Office forever because I was a producer and I was applying at stations here (which is a lie because I never want to go back to TV), and I thought maybe she'd stop bugging me to take some test that lets you make a career in the Post Office, but she has gotten worse. She asks me every day "Have you gotten a phone call yet?" She is so annoying! Then the other day, I was trying to hide from her in the bathroom, and she followed me in there and proceeded to ask me something about work while I was peeing. I've considered punching her in the face, but it is a federal offense to assault a Postal Employee.