Ok Stacey, I read your blog today so I am updating. Well, as all of you have already heard, I'm leaving TV News for a while. I don't know if I'll ever go back, but for right now, my heart is just not in it, so I'm taking a break. I just found out that my last day here will be January 31st. Then I'm going to Tucson and living with my tia for a while until I can find a job and get money saved for an apartment and all that stuff. I think it will be good for me. My tia is really cool and I get along great with my cousins Clarissa (17) and Danny (13). Clarissa and I share a dislike of people who smell like bologna (Elia knows what I am talking about). hehe. My sister is also coming with me. She starts school at Pima Medical Institute the second week of February. So we figure we can stay with my tia at first and in a few months get our own apartment. So I will keep you all posted as to what happens. I'm keeping my Texas number for a while, but in a few weeks, I will be getting a Tucson number, so I will let you all know when I change it. Talk to you soon!
At 3:24 PM,
Laura said…
hahaha! Like I would ever move to WISCONSIN! If anything, I'd move to Georgia and be stalking the love of my life Rafael Furcal. Yeah, you guys BETTER go visit me in Tucson.
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