Update from Tucson
Ok guys, sorry I haven't updated this thing in forever, but I don't have a computer at home and I have to come to the library to use the internet. I hate coming to the library. You have to wait forever to get a computer. Some lady almost smacked me earlier because she said I was rushing her off of her computer. But she left all her crap up here and wandered off to find books, so I just asked if she was finished, and she got all psycho on me and said she hates to be rushed. Anyway, Tucson is good. My sister and I have moved into our own apartment and I FINALLY got a job. I start a temporary job at the Post Office on Monday. I thought I would never work in another post office after college, but right now any job is good and a job that has absolutely nothing to do with tv, news, anchors, or reporters sounds like paradise. I did visit Yuma for Vicki's going away party. I had SO much fun seeing everyone and just hanging out. It was sad because it was like the end of an era. No more Vicki parties unless you tie Manny up and break into his house. But I am really happy for Vicki. She needed to leave because Luis is running that place into the ground. It's kind of sad that we all worked so hard to get the station to where it was and it took Luis only a few months to screw everything up. I hope that someone in Vegas realizes what an idiot he is and demands that Paul fires him. Anonymous letters to Mr. Rodgers anyone? Anyway, that's about all for now. I still have my El Paso number, so you guys should all call me sometime!
At 2:30 AM,
bert_magana said…
You work at post office?.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's hilarious can I have free stamps?
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