A Day in the Life

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Going Postal

Ok, now I can truly understand the meaning of that phrase. I have only been working at the Post Office for a little over three weeks now and it really sucks. The lady who told me about the job is a freaking liar. She told me I would work downstairs and all I would have to do was sit at a typewriter all day and forward people's mail. That's only part of it. We have to carry these big heavy carts full of mail and sort everyone's mail in all of Southern Arizona. The application did ask if you can carry more than 50 pounds, but I thought that was for other jobs, not mine. Now you all know me, I am not cut out for hard labor, and even though Elia will say that it is not even hard labor, still, I am a big wimp and I cannot handle it. So it's bad enough that the job is dirty, I have to carry big carts of mail, and have to work weekends, but to top it all off, a crazy lady is stalking me. I'm serious. There is this lady who I met in orientation so she thinks that she's my best friend. At first, I thought I was being mean because the poor lady was just trying to be friendly, but now she has gotten on my last nerve. She's like 30 something and has a crap load of kids, so we have nothing in common besides work, so on our breaks, all she does is talk about work and how much she loves the Postal Service. So one day I told her that I wasn't planning on staying at the Post Office forever because I was a producer and I was applying at stations here (which is a lie because I never want to go back to TV), and I thought maybe she'd stop bugging me to take some test that lets you make a career in the Post Office, but she has gotten worse. She asks me every day "Have you gotten a phone call yet?" She is so annoying! Then the other day, I was trying to hide from her in the bathroom, and she followed me in there and proceeded to ask me something about work while I was peeing. I've considered punching her in the face, but it is a federal offense to assault a Postal Employee.